
SETI #8: Facebook vs EU, GPT-3, Design Superpowers


2 min read

Posted by Jennifer McCormack on September 17, 2020

SETI #8: Facebook vs EU, GPT-3, Design Superpowers

In our last SETI, we focused on the popular topic of cookies and cookie consent. We picked some of the recent articles that have been shared internally to ensure ourselves and our clients are up to date and ready for the October deadline. The eight SETI includes a mixture of robots, touchless flying and the truth about the hamburger icon.

  1. Futuristic: A robot wrote this article

GPT-3, OpinAI’s new language generator wrote this article from scratch to convince us that robots come in peace.

  1. Digital Transformation: Banks may need to replace executive suites to succeed

Banks have to be adaptive and self-aware when starting to think about the future and the way they do business.

  1. Aviation: Hands free flying

A touchless journey through the airport is our new reality with biometric technology likely to become our main travel documents.

  1. Biology: Why birds can't fly over Everest

Every year, millions of bar-headed geese migrate over the Himalayas and have been doing so for millions of years. They have been seen flying at 28,000 feet. They have flown over Mount Everest! How do they do that?

  1. Kevin Bethune: The 4 superpowers of design

Design veteran Kevin Bethune says designers have four superpowers: x-ray vision, shapeshifting, extrasensory perception and the ability to make others superhuman. Learn what can happen when designers are giving space in the workplace to thrive.

  1. The hamburger icon: Does it help or hurt revenue?

Mobile traffic is the majority of traffic for most sites and smooth navigation is critical. Does the hamburger menu work for your site?

  1. Facebook: Did the EU just pull the rug out from data-driven businesses?

With the news that the Irish DPO will act to stop Facebook from sending European citizen’s data to the US, there are three scenarios that might unfold.

  1. Covid: Which country handled covid best?

Four important lessons learned from European startups on how the pandemic and the lockdowns affect their operation and outlook.

  1. Remote working: Digital Nomad Visa

Estonia has launched a new visa that allows remote workers to live in Estonia and legally work for their employer or their own company.

  1. Sales: 3 truths that will change how you sell

There are millions of articles and opinions on how to build momentum and create opportunities but what is the key to selling? Learn the three truths on how to sell successfully.

Feel free to share and tweet us or contact us if you have read any interesting articles that you think we should feature.

We hope you enjoy the selection. Sign up to the newsletter if you would like us to let you know when the next SETI selection is published.

About the Author

Jennifer McCormack
Jennifer McCormack

Jennie is a Marketing Executive at Arekibo. She has an interest in social media, creating engaging content and keeping up to date on the latest technology.