Unlocking digital experience - solving the content challenge
What content challenges do businesses face when they are looking to redesign or redevelop their website?
We know that businesses struggle with their website content as it requires creation, ongoing management and optimization to enhance the digital experience,
What challenges do businesses face?
- Prioritisation: deciding what content is necessary for your new site to meet your business goals and what content would be interesting to have in the future to know what to focus your resources on.
- Content strategy: planning the creation, delivery and management of useful and usable content for your visitors to have a worthwhile experience.
- Content management: making sure it is fresh and relevant to ensure your site shows up in search engines, and continues to educate your customers.
- Content workflow: creating a functioning workflow and content plan will ensure nothing gets missed and ensures your content remains fresh and effective.
- Measuring impact: using analytics to review if content is visited and consumed & can see where content needs to be improved if people aren’t finding what they’re looking for.
How do you solve these challenges?
We asked Fergal McHugh, the Head of Strategy at Arekibo to share his view:
“Organisations don’t always derive the value they should be getting from their DXP. There are all sorts of adoption challenges, but while people often focus on the data and technology challenges, they often don’t think about how their content approach might be holding them back.
Organizations should step back from the traditional ways in which they architect a content strategy and think about what content strategy looks like in the context of a DXP.
A key lesson is that there is a tendency to decide to much in advance what our strategies need to be. And we tend to put too much effort into our defining our goals and neglect process. I advocate an evolving bottom-up approach to content strategy and to information architecture. I also suggest that cultivating good content habits in the organisation is at least as important, if not more important than getting our goals into high-definition.”
In our 45 min webinar on 28th of May, Fergal together with our partner Sitefinity, will try to solve the content challenge, and will be looking deeper into:
- Why content strategy is failing our DXP investment
- How personalisation works
- Developing an experience-enabled content strategy
If you are working with digital strategy for your business, watch the recording of our webinar.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have regarding the webinar or content management support.