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Ibec represents Irish business both domestically and internationally. It is the umbrella organisation for over 40 different sectoral industry associations. It has over 7,500 members who employ over 70% of the private sector workforce in Ireland. Ibec lobbies government, policy makers and other key stakeholders nationally and internationally. Ibec also provides a wide range of professional direct services to members including employer advice and representation on HR and industrial relations issues.
Arekibo has been the Ibec’s digital partner since 2003. We have worked in partnership throughout this time to evolve the organisation’s use of digital to communicate and deliver intelligent and tailored services to their members.
Our partnership has delivered over 200 digital projects all focused on using digital to deliver value to Ibec’s key audiences.
Collaboration via digital services is now essential to the functioning of any dynamic leadership team. The Ibec board is responsible for Ibec’s corporate governance and strategic direction. BoardHub was created to deliver a feature rich suite of services to Ibec’s executive board. BoardHub offers a suite of information services to board members, streamlining communication and improving group dynamics.
Arekibo worked with Ibec’s information technology team to develop the business requirements and supporting information architecture for the product. We designed the identity and created a responsive solution that enables the board to seamlessly access the service across all devices.
Digital is now the primary channel Ibec uses to communicate with service members and other key audiences. Ibec incorporates 40 sector specific associations, each using digital to reach and deliver value to their member companies.
In 2003, we began to design a new digital identity for Ibec’s sector associations. The objective was to create a sector identity that delivered a unified visual and information hierarchy across all of Ibec’s sectors. The benefits ensured that experience of Ibec’s sectors online would be familiar to all members, improving usability and the delivery of services. Our approach to creating the digital identity included the provision of a suite of design assets, templates which enable Ibec to rapidly design, build and launch a new sector.
Our collaboration with Ibec as they evolve their digital sector identity is ongoing and focused on ensuring that the delivery of services to members is relevant and best in class.
We work with Ibec to create new products that help members to access services and information.
Our role is to work with business stakeholders to assess and articulate how new services will provide value to members. Our 17 year partnership has seen the progression of the member from digital novice to completely connected native, hungry for new services and products.
The transformation of the membership experience has been central to our collaboration and the outputs include a suite of new services, products and campaigns to deliver value to the membership. From the design of HR products to self-service portals, across to campaigns to educate and inform members of policy strategy, our collaboration is on-going and continually striving to harness digital to provide value to Ibec’s diverse membership.
Ibec have an exceptional Information Technology team who have led the development of the organisational digital presence from the outset. As Ibec’s digital design partner, we work in close partnership to support the delivery of projects for the organisation and its sectors.
One of our primary roles is to educate and train staff on new techniques and best practices to deliver digital services. This relationship has ensured that the Information Technology team have the capability to independently build and manage all design solutions that we have developed with the business stakeholders.
This working relationship provides our teams with a seamless and efficient process to translate business requirement into design solutions that are then developed internally by Ibec. The results provide operational efficiencies, enable our teams to collaborate across projects and ensure that the delivery of products meet best in class standards.